Robert Lotter – My Mobile Watchdog (Det. Rich Wistocki) – 08/10/2014

In this informative video, the Naperville Police Department unveils their innovative approach to tackling cyberbullying and online sexual harassment. With the increasing prevalence of these issues, law enforcement agencies are now employing cutting-edge software to significantly reduce incidents of cyberbullying and sexting by 50%.

Rich Was, from Be Sure Consulting, discusses the integration of the Mobile Watchdog software—a powerful tool utilized nationwide, including in California and Colorado, to monitor and protect children from online predators. This software provides parents with comprehensive control over their children's cell phone activities, ensuring their safety.

The video also highlights the establishment of the Kid Safe Pro Program, supported by corporate sponsors and run by law enforcement. This initiative offers free internet safety presentations for schools across the Midwest and Chicagoland area, empowering parents with the tools and knowledge necessary to safeguard their children from cyber threats.

Furthermore, the program aims to train law enforcement officers to deliver educational presentations in their communities, bridging the gap in digital safety education. With a goal to expand nationwide, this program promises to equip parents and guardians with the resources they need to protect their children in today's digital landscape.

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