North Carolina Celebrities Take Off Makeup in Effort to Combat Cyberbullying
North Carolina celebrities take off makeup in effort to combat Cyberbullying. You may have seen some photos of Miss North Carolina, North Carolina’s Outstanding Teens and even Miss America without makeup—it is all part of the “no makeup selfie” campaign to combat cyber bullying.
We talked to Miss Statesville 2015 Katie Knowles and Statesville’s Outstanding Teen Grace Dirig about these selfies.
Knowles said it’s the power of the sisterhood that has inspired her to post a picture of herself without makeup on Facebook.
“It’s a huge family, so it’s stepping up to protect your own,” she said. “I do have skin that breaks out some times, and I don’t look like I look in my headshot, and what if people, what will they think of me, so it was a leap of faith for me to post this.”
But now, the “no makeup selfie” campaign has drawn national attention. This social media movement to take selfies with and without makeup started when a couple North Carolina Outstanding Teen contestants received anonymous messages criticizing how they look without makeup.
“Seeing those, I was really angry. I was shaken by it, and I immediately wanted to take action, and I wanted to take a makeup-less selfie and support them,” said Dirig.
And they want everyone to remember that makeup is an accessory, and not a necessity.
“We find our self-beauty from inside ourselves and not by what we put on our face or what we do without hair,” said Knowles.