Groups Working to Combat Cyberbullying

PAGE COUNTY, Va. (WHSV) — Schools across the Valley are teaming up to prevent children from being bullied by someone behind a computer screen or cellphone.

Luray Middle School is partnering with with the Page County Sheriff’s Department, faith-based ministries, parents, and schools across the county to combat cyber-bullying and sexting.

Leaders tell us it has been a growing issue in Page County Schools.

School leaders want to inform parents about how they can protect their kids by showing them how to access apps where bullying is widespread.

“Take it, check it, block it, and report it philosophy. Because we want parents to know that you can actually take your child’s phone and look at it, and you can block things from going onto it,” said John McCaughn, an assistant principal at Luray Middle School.

Luray Middle School will have its first information session this Thursday at 7 p.m. at the school.

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