Statistics on Cyber Bullying | Infographic | Ultius
Cyber bullying is a major problem for teenagers who use social media and have mobile phones. This infographic shows the core statistics related to bullying.
Cyber bullying is a major problem for teenagers who use social media and have mobile phones. This infographic shows the core statistics related to bullying.
Tuanyuan, developed by Alibaba Group, helps police fight child trafficking, not unlike Amber Alerts.
New smartphone apps are released every day. And in the days of ever-evolving technology, it can be hard to keep up with it all. Test your knowledge below to see how well you know these apps that may appear on your kid’s smartphone.
Using their platform, these athletes are standing up to cyberbullying.
Kesha has joined forces with Hack Harassment to fight back against cyberbullying.
Child sex predators are lurking online and the Taylor County Sheriff’s Office prides itself on helping catch these criminals.
When Ms Angela Lee realised that her eight-year-old daughter and six-year-old son were hooked on her tablet computer and smartphone, she decided that a digital fast was in order. The 39-year-old finance manager said: “The first thing they would do when they arrived home…
Greatly concerned with the safety of children and their use of social media, a group of people, Project Open Eyes, came together recently and conducted a survey of over 2000 children…
The number of children being investigated by police for sexual offences has almost doubled in the last four years.