March 02, 2017

3 On Your Side: Experts Share Ideas On How To Stop Cyber-Bullying

It’s “Safer Internet Day,” and 3 On Your Side’s Jim Donovan is taking a look at how devastating cyber bullying can be, and what experts are doing right now to try and stop it.

March 02, 2017

Google Assistant, its AI-based personal helper, rolls out to Nougat and Marshmallow handsets

Google continues its march to expand its place in the mobile ecosystem, anchored by the fact that its Android OS is by far the most ubiquitous smartphone..

March 02, 2017

Parenting doesn’t end when children turn 18

So my readers understand that I also face ex-etiquette dilemmas, here’s an issue I recently dealt with. My daughter’s father and I have been divorced for years, but our daughter asked us both to travel from California to New York City to help her get settled in the next stage of her life. She confessed she was a little afraid and wanted both her parents there for moral support.It was a strangely familiar trip, and we laughed about how it felt as if time stood still. We had both moved on, but here we were helping the child we both adored.

March 02, 2017

Children’s books roundup: the best new picture books and novels

Protesting chickens, a mischievous bear, hunt the ballerinas and a Swedish horror story

March 02, 2017

The74Million is an education focused website

The74Million is an education focused website

March 02, 2017

Kids glued to phones instead of parades? Time to intervene.

Child after child, many under 5, were sitting in chairs playing on smart phones ignoring the parade.

March 01, 2017

Officials: Human Tracfficking in Utah is Real

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (ABC4 Utah) Human trafficking in Utah is real and the attorney general’s office along with several state task forces say they’re doing everything in their power to stop it.

March 01, 2017

Assistive Technology That’s Built Into Mobile Devices

By The Understood Team At a Glance Most mobile devices come with assistive technology (AT) that can help with reading, writing and organization. Common built-in AT features include text-to-speech a…

March 01, 2017

Google’s Android texting app has a new name

Meet Android Messages.