April 04, 2019

The Secret World Your Child Could Be Living In Online

Keeping up with technology is hard and the common joke a lot of parents make is that their young child “knows more about this stuff than I do”, but a local mental health counselor says it’s important that parents know about the devices their children are using.

April 02, 2019

Uncovering secret that led to son’s suicide

When a Utah teenager took his life in 2017, his family was blindsided. Only later did they discover that the smart, religious athlete had been entrapped in an extortion case that apparently overwhelmed him. Police say such cases aren’t uncommon.

March 30, 2019

10 Step Mumpreneurs Guide to Raising Successful And Thriving Children

Nelson Mandela once said “No country can really develop unless its citizens are educated” and it is often said that education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world. But education isn’t everything, what else do parents need to know to enable them to raise successful children?

March 29, 2019

Is TikTok a worthy contender for the social crown?

If you’re over 25 and haven’t heard of TikTok, it’s okay. You’re forgiven. After all, it’s a platform aimed at consumers with a hunger for video consumption, and we all know the prominent age group of that audience is Gen Z. But who are they as a brand, and why are they the latest hype in the world of social media?

March 28, 2019

Irving Police Share ‘Guide to Phone Apps’ With Parents

The Irving Police Department offered parents a helpful graphic Tuesday to learn about the various social media their children might be using, and they posted it where the kids will never see it — on Facebook.

March 28, 2019

Kids learning cyber security is not just an adult concern

A program put on by the Pacers is teaching children how to avoid cyberbullying and other online issues to be on the lookout for.

March 23, 2019

How parents feel about – and manage – their teens’ online behavior and screen time

A majority of parents are concerned about the experiences their teen might encounter online. Parents take various actions to monitor and police their teen’s online behavior.

March 22, 2019

3 Interesting Ways Technology Is Shaping The Entertainment Industry

The transformation of the entertainment industry by technology is really only in its infancy. Any enterprise that is involved in providing entertainment services to consumers has many challenges to meet, if it is to get its share of the marketplace.

March 21, 2019

How parents are talking to kids about violent content online

When live-streamed video of the New Zealand mosque massacre surfaced on social media sites last week, Joey Fortman, the founder of lifestyle site RealityMoms, sat down with her husband to discuss how to talk about the topic with their two sons, ages 6 and 10. “My kids are both very much so online,” she said. …