June 08, 2017

MultiBrief: What should my gifted child be doing over the summer?

Summer is beginning, and you haven’t made any activity plans for your gifted child. By the end of this month, you may be regretting that decision. Here are some suggestions for your consideration.

June 08, 2017

Even Harvard kids don’t understand the dangers of Facebook

“Harvard Memes for Horny Bourgeois Teens” was the name, at one point, for a private Facebook group founded by incoming students last December. “General F–kups” was another, proved all too apt…

June 08, 2017

North Jersey News and Information |

Welcome to, home to the latest local, state, and national news coverage for Bergen County and surrounding areas.

June 08, 2017

Mark Zuckerberg’s dream for education is for kids to learn mostly without teachers

Using tools built by Facebook—of course.

June 08, 2017

Bullying is severe cruelty

The dictionary defines a Bully as “a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.”

June 08, 2017

What are memes — and how do they get kids in trouble?

The origins of the Internet’s popular joke format are surprising

June 07, 2017

Warn the family about this dangerous site for kids!

This site offers legitimate services, but if your kids are using it they could be in danger. You have to read this story of a 26-year-old sexual predator who used this site to engage with a 13-year-old girl. Don’t let this happen to your kids or g…

June 07, 2017

Can Google teach kids not to troll?

Google want to teach kids how to be good digital citizens by staying safe online and not being bullies.

June 06, 2017

This Play Dough Will Teach Your Kids All About Electricity | WIRED

The newest product from Tech Will Save Us demystifies electrical circuits with moldable conductive dough.